Feel Better
Are you looking to rehabilitate? Maybe you have chronic pain, sciatic pain, bad knees, hips or more complex conditions like hypermobility but you still want a great workout and to increase your core strength. We can help, Pilates movement can often help you regain control over your body.
We have classes to help you Feel Better - Book Core and Joe’s Gym class.
Move Better
Are you feeling a little stiffer these days - a few more aches and pains when getting out of bed. Maybe your recovery time after the gym is getting longer? Or that dog walk is getting shorter. Long days at your desk or on the ward are paying a toll on your body but you still want a great workout and to increase your core strength.
We can help, Pilates movement can often help you regain control over your body.
We have classes to help you Move Better - Book Core, Sculpt, Power & Joe’s Gym classes.
Get Fitter
With no aches, pains or injuries you’re looking for that Pilates body to help strengthen your muscles. We need muscles to keep us healthy, women in particular start to lose muscle at perimenopause, sometimes starting at age 35. Let’s increase our strength so we can always.
Feel better & Move better! We have classes to help you Get Fitter - Book Core, Sculpt, Power, Bounce & Joe’s Gym classes.

Pilates Classes
Our classes are small in number to ensure our expertly trained instructors give you the attention you need. At PilatEASE Denton you’re more than just a name to us. We may take our Pilates seriously but we also like to have a bit of fun along the way too. The specialist classes we recommend depend upon where you are at right now and how you want to look and feel going forward.
Pilates Studio
It's a first floor studio, with wide stairs and no lift. We are above the Northwood Estate Agency.
Our car park is opposite the studio, next to Denton Burn Library or on Broadwood Road which is opposite the studio. There is NO PARKING in the street behind as it is a private road. Please park responsibly. There is a small space for bikes to be stored in the foyer too.